Handmade Soap, Lotion and Body Oils from Lotion Lady®
Handmade Soap and More! 
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"Hi! Thanks for
stopping by.
I'm Kristen,
the Lotion Lady®."

Kristen Prinzing"Several years ago I began making my Original Lotion to give as gifts. I had an old family recipe, which I updated with aloe and vitamin E. Everyone loved it and soon I was taking orders from friends and neighbors. After the birth of my youngest son, I decided to start Aurora Botanicals as a home-based business. After a while, people would refer to me as 'the lotion lady'. Today, it has evolved into a full time line of Lotion Lady® natural skin care products, including lotion, handmade soap, cream and body oils."

"I use only natural ingredients and organically grow many of the botanicals used in my products. There are no fillers or shortcuts. Nature provides all we need for beautiful skin and I carefully blend these elements to bring you these wonderful products. I love what I do and it shows!"

"Your privacy is important. All information you submit is protected. Nothing is released, sold, traded, or given away. I do not send out "spam" e-mail. I will notify my preferred customers of upcoming events and specials. It's easy to become a preferred customer. So, you may get an occasional email from me, but I generally don't like mass mailings. Of course, you can always remove or change your email address at any time. At the bottom of my preferred customer emails is a check box to do that. Also, you can "like" LotionLady.com on Facebook.

"You may have met me at arts & crafts shows, or maybe we haven't met yet. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Please take some time and browse through my products. Feel free to call me at (760)942-8171 with any questions or suggestions!"

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Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetics Guild     Coalition of Handcrafted Entrepreneurs
Copyright © 1995-2025 Aurora Botanicals | Lotion Lady® and Extreme Cream® are both registered trademarks. All rights reserved.
This site updated on February 3, 2025 | Please, send comments regarding this web site to our WebMaster.
URL:https://www.LotionLady.com Phone:(760)807-8171 Encinitas, CA 92024