Handmade Soap, Lotion and Body Oils from Lotion Lady®
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Making Handmade Soap Part 2

After about 48 hours, the soap is ready to be removed from the mold. It is still possible to receive skin irritation from handling the soap at this point, so gloves should be worn.

With experience, it will soon be apparent at this stage whether you have a good batch of soap or not. Don't feel too badly, if your first several attempts do not go smoothly. Even the pros have a bad batch now and then. Sometimes, it's due to trying a new formulation.

Soap ready to be removed from the mold
Soap ready to be removed from the mold

Giant block of soap

Removed from the mold, you now have a giant bar of soap. Since this is just a bit big, even for Paul Bunyan, it will be cut into more reasonably sized bars. The handmade soap bars are put on a tray and given time (about 2-3 weeks, longer in humid climates) to cure. They will then be ready for their final inspection before being packaged and sold as Lotion Lady® Handmade Soap.

Bars ready for curing


Handmade Soap.  3 Bars for $17.25!

Handmade Soap
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Save! Choose 3 for $17.25!

Kristen, the Lotion Lady®Kristen Prinzing is the Lotion Lady, a full-time mother and entrepreneur with a complete line of all-natural skin care products at LotionLady.com.


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Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetics Guild     Coalition of Handcrafted Entrepreneurs
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This site updated on January 4, 2025 | Please, send comments regarding this web site to our WebMaster.
URL:https://www.LotionLady.com Phone:(760)807-8171 Encinitas, CA 92024